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Pack 122 will be exhibiting at the Fifteenth Annual Ohio LinuxFest September 29-30, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Ohio LinuxFest is the oldest and largest Open Source and Free Software conference in the Midwest and has had a cub scout presence for many years. Stop by our booth to learn how we use Open Source software to help run the pack.

Lions and Tigers…oh my!

We will be holding a den leader and den assignment meeting for Lion (Kindergarten) and Tiger (First Grade) scouts from 6:30-8:00 PM on Thursday, September 7, 2017 at the Cumberland Park shelter, 10580 Cumberland Road. Fishers, Indiana 46038

At this meeting, we will divide into dens and select the den leaders. Parents, we need volunteers for at least one den leader and assistant den leader for each grade level. We typically have dens of 6-8 boys but larger dens are possible if the den leaders are comfortable with a greater number of boys in their den. Once the den leadership and den assignments are complete, you are welcome to decide when to hold your den meetings. Den meetings are typically held 1-2 times per month.

We are currently aware of 11 Lions (Kindergartners) and 15 Tigers (First Graders) in Pack 122.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer in advance, please e-mail our Cubmaster, Michael Schultheiss, at

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